Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunshine and animals...

Georgia and Maggie enjoying the morning sun
Monroe and Calamity

Jag tried a dust bath. "Hey, it works for the chickens."
Corky, Clara and Jag

After 3 months, we finally got some chicks.
Broody set up.
Chester Marie

Does and kids
Gentlemen's Club (wethers).
Dooley, the bottle baby.
Doodle, former house goat.

Boss, goat supervisor.
Enjoying the sun!

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

The color green...

...harmony, balance, growth and hope.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I am NOT the "spoiler" of animals on our farm.

 So this is the result......we now have......a house goat.

Thank you for all the good thoughts sent Doodles' way!  After a scary morning of seizures this weekend, she seems to be on the mend.  Eating well, playing and of course napping with Don regularly.  

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Yesterday was wet and wild...

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